Saturday, April 12, 2008

When I last wrote I was about to leap headlong into my calling, trusting that Jesus alonecould keep me bound to him. I did as He directed and became fully devoted to music, practicing four hours most days, listening constantly, thinking constantly of how to develop this gift that He continually gives me. What happened stilled my fears. Instead of losing my focus on Christ, this newfound passion for my art has placed my focus directly on my heart. The one thing I feared I would forget, the importance of the development of my inner man, this one thing He has brought up in me for deep change. The Lord has me gazing into my own heart, wondering how I might allow Him to change the depth of sin within me. Through this devotion to music, in a way I really can't explain, He has allowed me to see what needs to change in my heart, and taught me to hope that He can accomplish this great task.

The way I focus as I perform has been in constant development, and my prayer now is that in the two weeks before my recital, He will be faithful to change my heart so my sole focus may be His glory in the presentation of the music He has created.