Saturday, January 28, 2006

It is time

It seems it is time for a list. Yes, I feel like posting a top ten list, but of what? Well, my dear reader, for that you will have to wait and see. Let's play a little game. See if you can match the numbers with their lists. I'll help you out by lettering the lists (A,B,C,D...there will be more than one number per list) Got it? The one with the most correct matches wins. Go!
A. Things I dream of
B. Things important in my future husband
C. These things are lots of fun!
D. Things I do in my quiet times
Here are your numbers. Remember to choose which list they match with:
1. To play in the New York Philharmonic
2. To seek after the heart of God (could this be a trick question?)
3. To be able to see the depth of a person's heart
4. To read a book written by Jane Austen
5. To be interested in the things I love
6. To ice skate
7. To live in Germany or Israel
8. To sit by the fire and think
9. To spend time with my best friend
10. To swing dance
I am ready and waiting to see how many you can get right! Answers will come soon, but not until you have at least tried. Have fun! :)

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Swing dancing and being stood up...

Somehow I always end up getting guys to committ to come to swing club, then they don't show up, so I get stuck dancing with guys I don't know who are either weird, scarry, intimidating, or very sweet (I do make a point to say there are quite a few of the last kind) . But there must be some kind of reasoning to explain why the guys I want to come don't (and never mention why). Is there some kind of guy radar that says "this girl wants me to come, so I better not". Well, I apologise for my rants. Just the experience of the night. I am still in the learning process of this "guy friend" thing. It's a lot of work! :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Chapter Eleven: A Day of Great Rejoicing

Grace settled in for her rest that night, and as angels do, she began to pray. She had not rested so fully for many months, and when she finished her prayer and the dawning sun began to seep in through her windows she felt refreshed. Her spirit was renewed not only from her prayer, but also because of the forgiveness of the Maker and the love of her friends. Grace got up from her knees, stretched, and began to prepare herself for the gathering. Just as she finished getting ready she heard a gentle knock at the door. She opened it to find her dear friend Rejoicing standing before her. "Come with me," said Grace’s friend with a broad smile on her face and excitement in her voice. "I want you to come worship with me." Grace took Rejoicing’s hand, excited to have a companion to accompany her to worship, and together they ran down the street, jumping for joy. There was a presence in the air that penetrated their hearts and they could feel a new song forming on their lips. When they reached the town square there was assembled a multitude of heavenly hosts, all glowing in their white gowns. Grace was wearing one too, although she couldn’t remember having put it on. She looked ahead and saw a shining light in the center of the great crowd. He wore a crown of gold and his eyes shone like fire. His sleeves were trimmed with glittering lace so white it was barely visible. He stood in his royal white robes that shone like the sun, facing the host of angels. The Maker’s face shone with a bright smile as he watching his beloved worshiping him. Some bowed, others kneeled, and others jumped and sang with joy. Some even remained still and silent in awe of His Grace. Yes, that is who she was: she was His Grace. In that moment Grace knew that she had a special purpose, and as she slipped out of the crowd she felt confident that the will of the Maker would be done through her. She would be used to bring healing because she was Grace, and she knew her purpose.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Annus slammed his fist against the table and shouted with indignation. "He has no right to her! Why does he always win? Why can I never succeed against him? I am supposed to have dominion over this earth, and I intend to claim my right!" As he finished his tirade, Annus began to pace the floor in anger. It was then, to his great surprise, that he heard a voice. The mere sound of it threw him to the floor, and he wept with fear as he lay face down. "I am the Lord, your God, Maker of heaven and earth. I have given your dominion to you, but I have dominion over you!" said the booming voice of the Maker. The sound of it was multiplied like the echo of an earth quake. He continued, "You will keep your power for now, but always remember that your day will come! I hold your life in my hands." Annus screeched at the pain of hearing the voice of the Maker, and he knew then that he had lost. Grace would never be his.
Copyright © 2005 by Jamie Madera. Reproduction is forbidden without permission. Contact me at