Tuesday, February 22, 2005

A Good Decision

I made a choice today that no matter how many times my mind tells me that a certain choice is wrong or unacceptable, if that choice matches up with my biblical convictions then it is far wiser for me to listen to my heart. I say this because today I chose not to go to orchestra rehearsal. I had a head ache all morning and I knew that I needed rest, but I also knew that I could tough it out if I had to. I ultimately chose to stay home and rest, and I think that is a choice we need to make more often. When our commitments overwhelm us and it seems that the only option is to keep going until we crash, it is important for us to stop and take time. Sometimes it may seem wrong, like we're letting people down, but there comes a time when we are so run down that even if we follow through with our commitments we have nothing left to give. We are no longer benefiting other people, only hurting ourselves. I certainly learned from the past few days that when I'm not rested, nothing is really getting done. God calls us to take care of our bodies because they are His temple. Remember to stop and rest. You will thank yourself later :)

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