Sunday, May 08, 2005

Harry Potter...

Some time ago I was considering the effect that the Harry Potter books and movies are having on children. Witchcraft and sorcery are accepted as ok, and even fun. This is SO damaging to our culture and to the very truth that needs to be taught to these children. While considering this, I thought about a way to counteract this negative influence. I decided to write a book of my own that shared truth and light instead of lies and darkness. I have been writing it off and on over the past few years, and I thought I might share the first few chapters with you. Would anyone be interested in giving me an honest critique? I would really apprecitate it! I find that inspiration is exciting, but I don't know if what comes out of it is readable or enjoyable.

1 comment:

Queen Mum said...

Hello, I hope you don't mind my stopping by. My family feels the same way about this topic. Yes, I will read the chapters you have put on your blog. I will try to get back to commenting. Thank you for being bold enough to deal truthfully with this issue. God Bless!