If you are a musician then you understand the dream of performing in Carnegie Hall. As a classical musician I have always known that if you make it to Carnegie Hall, you've made it to the top. This is a dream that never dies, no matter how impossible it may seem and no matter how wonderful and talented you must be to perform there, hope will always remain. When I visited New York City in May I had the opportunity to go to Carnegie Hall, and while looking around the lobby I discovered that there was a concert that Sunday (it was Friday) that I could go to. I bought tickets and made arrangements for my Aunt to take me there, but I don't think the reality really set in. The day of the concert, as I walked into the lobby and handed my ticket to the usher, I realized "I'm going to a concert in Carnegie Hall!" I was so ecstatic and so overjoyed, but those feelings were nothing compared to what I felt when I walked through the doorway and into the concert hall.

I held back my tears as I thought "I am standing in Carnegie Hall. How many others have dreamed of being here, and I finally made it! I may not be on stage yet, but I am three feet away and even that is a dream come true." I was so blessed to have this opportunity and I thank God for the encouragement He brought later in the week as I was given a chance to meet the concert master (the very best violinist) of the New York Philharmonic. I told him that he had my dream job. "Well, I won't be there forever," he said. I asked him for his autograph and this is what he wrote: "To Jamie, the dreamer. Hope they come true! - Glen Dicterow" For now I keep on dreaming, as does every musician, and I thank God that He has given me a purpose, a hope, and maybe even a place on stage at Carnegie Hall.
I'm not a musician, but I LOVE music. It speaks to the innermost reaches of my soul, and heals me.
I understand dreaming, too. I've had lots of dreams along the way. God hasn't always directed my life the way I had hoped. But, His way is always more perfect, bringing me to a closer walk with Him, and to a greater understanding of His love for me.
Praying He will give you the desires of your heart. Dream on...
thats good Jamie,
God be with you..
and thax for giving me that idea
I'm having it removed right away
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