Thursday, October 20, 2005

Today is the day of salvation

What do you do when you care about someone so much, yet they don't understand this kind of love? When someone is searching for life, and that Life lives inside of you, yet they look right past you? How do live, honoring God and loving life, yet fearing for the life of this person who needs Him so desperately? They are in a time of deep searching, and they know that they are missing something, but what if they come up empty, believing that there is no hope? Oh, Lord, we can only pray. Pray for their salvation, pray for hope, pray for life, and most importantly, never give up, because today is the day of salvation! I look forward to the coming days with anticipation, waiting to see when my friend will come to know You, Lord. Every day is "today", so it may be years, but I pray that you will draw near to him as he searches. If the Lord moves your heart, those of you reading this, please pray with me also, so that another brother might be added to the fold. Amen.


beautifulalexandria said...

Wow, I love your blog. And more importantly, I can completely empathize with the ache you feel when you watch someone you care so deeply about stumble through life because they haven't admited their need for a Savior. I definitely will be praying for your friend.
Pray for my older brother also, so that he can become one of our spiritual brothers.

crossblade said...

I sure am joining you in prayer..
please say a prayer for my friends at college, Prasanth, Arun ,Dharmaraj, Shabana, Sreejith and Aranya

God be with you Ruth

crossblade said...

finally I updated...
I did get ur message on Hi5