Thursday, March 08, 2007


I just wanted to say that my recital went very well. It was such a blessing to get to perform my music before my dearest friends and family! I am a little upset with myself for being so nervous, but it is to be expected :)
I do ask for your prayers now, because my Dad is having problems related to his heart surgery. He had some blood and fluid drained off his lungs and now his lung will not reinflate. He is scheduled for surgery tomorrow (Friday) morning at 9am. I would appreciate any prayers offered on his behalf!
I think this situation, which caused both my parents to be in Dallas during my recital, and also the fact that my arms hurt so much has made this experience far different than I thought it would be. I am still in a place of trials and sorrow, but I trust the morning will come as I hold onto my Jesus. This new week will bring some much needed rest and hopefully, and more importantly, peace for my soul. Thank you for your prayers!

1 comment:

Queen Mum said...

I will be praying for your family, your strength and discernment. You take care. QM